Dollar Bill Ring

These dollar bills were folded into rings with the saying “In God we Trust” prominently visible.

These folds also result in the number 1 being set as the gem.

We love to give these away as we share our faith with everyone we come into contact with in our daily activities.

Jesus taught that our “neighbors” actually includes everyone in need.

It is an act of “neighborliness” to share the knowledge of our love for Jesus with our family and friends, restaurant waitresses, store clerks, bank tellers, garage attendants, bus drivers, healthcare staff, ice cream servers, and literally anyone we come in contact act with ... “strangers on the streets.”

We may not yet know you, but the Lord Jesus does, and He loves you, and He desires to have you know Him and entrust your eternal security to Him.

The website has three short videos that show how to fold a dollar into a ring like these, and we welcome anyone to join us in sharing these with others.

We enjoy sharing a little of our faith with others as we hand them one of these small tokens and a few words like this.

Maybe later today I will be at a department or grocery store and meet as my checkout clerk, a young man or an elderly lady. Or I may go to the car wash and give one to the attendant there.

Here is how I would interact with them as I share the ring and the Lord...

“Have you ever seen one of these?”

Ring recipient:
“No I haven’t, this is so neat!”

“Most people tell me they haven’t. Actually after many years of giving these away I’ve only had a few more than a dozen tell me they have seen them before.”

Ring recipient:
“Ya I believe it, I’ve seen many origami things like little shorts, hearts, bow ties, birds, and stars, but never a ring!”

“ Let me ask you a question, Do you think this is a real dollar bill that is only folded up and not cut or taped together in anyway?”

“ I mean, do you believe this is a REAL U.S. dollar bill and that you could unfold it and it would work in a soda or chip dispensing machine?”


Ring recipient:
“Ya, I think it’s real, and you didn’t cut it up and piece it together, ... so sure it would work in a machine.”

“ Why do you think it’s real?”

Ring recipient:
“Because it looks real.”

“ Many things look real to the casual observer, and yet they are not at all what they seem though are they?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya that’s true.”

“ Why do you believe that I haven’t cut it, or altered it in some way?”

Ring recipient:
“ Because I’ve seen many orgami things that are just folded so it’s possible that it’s not been cut.”

“ Just because something might be possible doesn’t ensure that it is though.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya that’s true too.”

“ Ok, I’m telling you that I haven’t cut it or taped it or modified it in anyway. It’s just been folded up to be this ring. Do you believe me?”

Ring recipient:
“ Yes.”

“ Why do you believe me?”

Ring recipient:
“ Because you seem honest, and your giving me a really cool free dollar.”

“ Sometimes a person looks or sounds like they are being sincere but they are just really good liars though aren’t they?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, unfortunately that’s true too.”

“ So even though I seem to be telling you the truth, how would you know for certain that this is a real dollar bill that is able to be unfolded and used in a soda machine?”

Ring recipient:
“ I guess I would have to unfold it and try to see if it worked for myself.”

“ That is the only way for you to know the Truth about the Lord Jesus also my friend. You must open up the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus throughout the scriptures. You will soon see that it is real, that He is Real and that the promises of God work for you.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, I get that, it makes sense the way your saying it.”

“ It is really unfortunate that there are people who misuse the Word of God and lead others astray from the simple faith in Jesus Christ that the Bible teaches us we all need for the forgiveness of our sins and the eternal salvation that God promises those who trust in His Son’s finished work on the cross of Calvary.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, like a lot of those T.V. preachers and the crazy cult group etc etc etc.”

“ We are all told to read the Bible for ourselves and to pray. When we read we allow the Truth to be unfolded before us and we begin to have confidence in the Creator, the Savior, who loves us.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya I see what you mean.”

“ I don’t know what your background is and how or where you have heard about Jesus and the Bible, but I want to encourage you to read the Word of God for yourself and pray asking God to give you understanding. He will show you how we are all sinners in desperate need of forgiveness and a hope for the future both in this world and the long eternity that begins after our bodies die.”

Ring recipient:
“ Hey thanks for the ring it’s really cool.”

“ Your welcome, you’ll have fun showing it to others. And don’t forget ... Read the Bible for yourself , ok?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ok have a nice day.”

“ You too, I’ll be praying for you.”

Ring recipient:
“ Thanks.”

These dollar bills were folded into rings with the saying “In God we Trust” prominently visible.

These folds also result in the number 1 being set as the gem.

We love to give these away as we share our faith with everyone we come into contact with in our daily activities.

Jesus taught that our “neighbors” actually includes everyone in need.

It is an act of “neighborliness” to share the knowledge of our love for Jesus with our family and friends, restaurant waitresses, store clerks, bank tellers, garage attendants, bus drivers, healthcare staff, ice cream servers, and literally anyone we come in contact act with ... “strangers on the streets.”

We may not yet know you, but the Lord Jesus does, and He loves you, and He desires to have you know Him and entrust your eternal security to Him.

The website has three short videos that show how to fold a dollar into a ring like these, and we welcome anyone to join us in sharing these with others.

We enjoy sharing a little of our faith with others as we hand them one of these small tokens and a few words like this.

Maybe later today I will be at a department or grocery store and meet as my checkout clerk, a young man or an elderly lady. Or I may go to the car wash and give one to the attendant there.

Here is how I would interact with them as I share the ring and the Lord...

“Have you ever seen one of these?”

Ring recipient:
“No I haven’t, this is so neat!”

“Most people tell me they haven’t. Actually after many years of giving these away I’ve only had a few more than a dozen tell me they have seen them before.”

Ring recipient:
“Ya I believe it, I’ve seen many origami things like little shorts, hearts, bow ties, birds, and stars, but never a ring!”

“ Let me ask you a question, Do you think this is a real dollar bill that is only folded up and not cut or taped together in anyway?”

“ I mean, do you believe this is a REAL U.S. dollar bill and that you could unfold it and it would work in a soda or chip dispensing machine?”


Ring recipient:
“Ya, I think it’s real, and you didn’t cut it up and piece it together, ... So sure it would work in a machine.”

“ Why do you think it’s real?”

Ring recipient:
“Because it looks real.”

“ Many things look real to the casual observer, and yet they are not at all what they seem though are they?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya that’s true.”

“ Why do you believe that I haven’t cut it, or altered it in some way?”

Ring recipient:
“ Because I’ve seen many orgami things that are just folded so it’s possible that it’s not been cut.”

“ Just because something might be possible doesn’t ensure that it is though.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya that’s true too.”

“ Ok, I’m telling you that I haven’t cut it or taped it or modified it in anyway. It’s just been folded up to be this ring. Do you believe me?”

Ring recipient:
“ Yes.”

“ Why do you believe me?”

Ring recipient:
“ Because you seem honest, and your giving me a really cool free dollar.”

“ Sometimes a person looks or sounds like they are being sincere but they are just really good liars though aren’t they?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, unfortunately that’s true too.”

“ So even though I seem to be telling you the truth, how would you know for certain that this is a real dollar bill that is able to be unfolded and used in a soda machine?”

Ring recipient:
“ I guess I would have to unfold it and try to see if it worked for myself.”

“ That is the only way for you to know the Truth about the Lord Jesus also my friend. You must open up the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus throughout the scriptures. You will soon see that it is real, that He is Real and that the promises of God work for you.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, I get that, it makes sense the way your saying it.”

“ It is really unfortunate that there are people who misuse the Word of God and lead others astray from the simple faith in Jesus Christ that the Bible teaches us we all need for the forgiveness of our sins and the eternal salvation that God promises those who trust in His Son’s finished work on the cross of Calvary.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya, like a lot of those T.V. preachers and the crazy cult group etc etc etc.”

“ We are all told to read the Bible for ourselves and to pray. When we read we allow the Truth to be unfolded before us and we begin to have confidence in the Creator, the Savior, who loves us.”

Ring recipient:
“ Ya I see what you mean.”

“ I don’t know what your background is and how or where you have heard about Jesus and the Bible, but I want to encourage you to read the Word of God for yourself and pray asking God to give you understanding. He will show you how we are all sinners in desperate need of forgiveness and a hope for the future both in this world and the long eternity that begins after our bodies die.”

Ring recipient:
“ Hey thanks for the ring it’s really cool.”

“ Your welcome, you’ll have fun showing it to others. And don’t forget ... Read the Bible for yourself , ok?”

Ring recipient:
“ Ok have a nice day.”

“ You too, I’ll be praying for you.”

Ring recipient:
“ Thanks.”